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Coronavirus updates and government reactions to it; cases and deaths across America;
role of government, government, health
03:08 to 11:04
Q: is Yaron self-isolating?
11:05 to 12:24
government failure in hospitals, testing, and medical supplies; medical worker heroism;
medicine, role of government, economy, health
12:25 to 15:07
global impact and cases and deaths of coronavirus; economic and health care outcomes
economics, freedom, government, finance
15:08 to 17:59
2.2 trillion dollar stimulus bill; political and economic and societal impact
cronyism, economics, productivity, government, money, value
18:00 to 22:41
Q: What is a proper response to the Coronavirus pandemic?
22:42 to 33:04
Trump's invoking of Defense Production Act; rising authoritarianism and fascism in America; Czar Peter Navarro
mixed economy, fascism, cronyism, government power, economics, role of government
33:05 to 40:14
Q: Why are they shutting down the economy? Is it to loot it and establish communism?
40:15 to 44:31
Q: At what point should we resort to violence?
44:32 to 45:37
Q: Are anti-Reason and anti-happiness philosophies dominant and do most people actually want to not be happy?
45:38 to 48:26
Q: Thoughts on future ramifications of using the Defense Production act? ; Lessons learned from Coronavirus pandemic
cronyism, government power, free markets, economics, role of government
48:27 to 53:24
Q: Is war with China probable given the rhetoric against China from the right?
53:25 to 59:32
Q: How can one best convince others to make better choices about responses to Covid-19 outbreak?
59:33 to 01:00:54
Q: Should this stimulus bill be used to force kids to do their chores?
01:00:55 to 01:01:39
Q: Thoughts on Australian economy?
01:01:40 to 01:03:29
Q: thoughts on certain drugs and their status as orphans or otherwise?
01:03:30 to 01:06:24
Q: Should someone establish a Gult's Gulch?
01:06:25 to 01:07:01
Q: Thoughts on conflicts between DIY and IP?
01:07:02 to 01:07:34
Q: Should someone have the right to break a contract due to Coronavirus?
01:07:35 to 01:10:29
Q: Thoughts on Triage?
01:10:30 to 01:14:24
Q: Thoughts on film Agora?
01:14:25 to N/A