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analysis and discussion of movie Mr. Jones and its relation to current events
history, philosophy of art, truth, communism, media, values
04:01 to 40:27
testing, tracing, and isolating failures during Covid-19 pandemic
Science, medicine, role of government, freedom
40:28 to 47:37
Q: what should the federal government be doing to combat Covid-19 pandemic?
47:38 to 57:31
addressing illegal immigration statistics and impact on America
Culture, rule of law, role of government, freedom, individual rights, tribalism
57:32 to 01:18:49
Q: Would Yaron write a book on immigration?
01:18:50 to 01:20:57
Q: How do conservatives limit their altruism to exclude poor immigrants?
01:20:58 to 01:22:24
Q: Is the hostility to immigration a leftover from the eugenics movement?
01:25:10 to 01:29:16
Q: thoughts on Dr. Hicks about PPP and ARI?
01:29:17 to 01:30:00
Q: could Yaron make more convincing arguments against Trump by linking Trump to other bad central planners?
01:30:01 to 01:32:33
Q: thoughts on how billionaires got richer during pandemic?
01:32:34 to 01:33:18
Q: in order to fix modern journalism, don't the schools of journalism need to be reformed first?
01:33:19 to 01:34:11
Q: thoughts on how CNN is having divisions of reporters for various racial issues and other issues?
01:34:12 to 01:35:33
Q: is it accurate to call Rand the most anti-Christian philosopher in history?
01:35:34 to 01:36:08
Q: was Rand influenced by John Locke?
01:36:09 to 01:36:55
Q: thoughts on Florida eliminating licensing requirements?
01:36:56 to 01:38:35
Q: why aren't modern religious practitioners discouraged by the falling off of older gods?
01:38:36 to 01:39:24
Q: how does emotionalism lead to collectivism?
01:39:25 to 01:41:26
Q: why does Roark love Dominque and Wynand given their second-handedness?
01:41:27 to N/A