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Impeachment proceedings against Trump
02:10 to 10:27
Q: Were politicians always corrupt?
10:28 to 14:16
the Opera of Manon
history, art
14:17 to 20:17
Manon's Operatic story & the birth of feminist movement
history, art, Capitalism
20:18 to 42:23
Capitalism's role in re-shaping the world and the role of men & women in it
economics, trade, morality, freedom, wealth
42:24 to 51:49
Q: Are there any horror movies that have powerful values expressed in them?
51:50 to 53:27
Q: Is Yaron a fan of classical recordings?
53:28 to 57:03
Jewish New Year
57:04 to 57:25
Q: Why should I go to synagogue?
57:26 to 58:56
Q: Is it in America's interest & is it moral to provide military support to Ukraine?
58:57 to 01:00:39
Q: Is all collusion the same? Especially in the political realm?
01:00:40 to 01:01:52
Q: Will UBI work?
01:01:53 to 01:02:53
Q: Is the standard of living better under fascism or communism and why is that so?
01:02:54 to 01:05:56
Q: Won't the similarities between the Left and Right result in a national socialist movement taking power in America? How does one fight against that?
01:05:57 to 01:08:34
Q: How does one deal with beggars in 1st world cities? How did they come to be beggars?
01:08:35 to 01:11:21
Q: Is there a relationship between birth rates and interest rates?
01:11:22 to 01:14:59
Q: How do animal rights relate to Objectivism?
01:15:00 to N/A