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Background and Cornel West's analysis of the Left.
intellectuals, Marxism, racism, socialism
02:20 to 15:12
Q: Is Cornel West a racist like other Leftist intellectuals?
collectivism, racism
15:13 to 17:42
Cornel West on Communism, Socialism, and Capitalism
economics, morality, government
17:43 to 52:29
Cornel West on Western Civilization and Western History
democracy, profit motive, Capitalism, slavery, individual rights
52:30 to 57:59
Cornel West on Labor and Collective Bargaining
58:00 to 01:00:36
Cornel West on Robber Barons/Great Industrialists
01:00:37 to 01:04:44
Danger of Dismissing Cornel West
01:04:45 to 01:55:53
Cornel West on Child Labor and child mortality
01:10:05 to 01:15:39
Joe Rogan & Cornel West on freeriders & government handouts/services
01:15:40 to 01:20:14
Cornel West on Justice: 'Well adjusted to injustice'; American Dream;
01:20:15 to 01:26:39
Challenging the altruism and egalitarianism; fighting for Liberty & values
Founding Fathers, egoism, individual rights
01:26:40 to 01:29:51
Q: Is the primary problem with socialists on the right and left their view of politicians as the 'good guys'?
01:29:52 to 01:32:31
Q: According to Objectivism, is capitalism an absolutely perfect system?
01:32:32 to 01:34:45
Q: On the land I own, do I have the right to charge rent; especially if I own all the land?
01:34:46 to 01:36:51
Q: Are these intellectuals like West, Zizek or Peterson, made popular because of the culture of personality that exists?
Jordan Peterson
01:36:52 to 01:39:35
Q: Thoughts on the Russian economy?
01:39:36 to 01:41:02
Q: Why is America poor culturally? In what specific ways is America this way?
01:41:03 to 01:45:44
Q: How did Yaron transition from a career in Engineering to Finance? Should one work for a company that promotes corporate responsibility?
01:45:45 to 01:47:03
Q: Has Trump deregulated a lot?
01:47:04 to 01:49:22
Q: Thoughts on Boris Johnson's election and Cabinet?
01:49:23 to 01:50:15
Q: Is Hong Kong's movement good?
01:50:16 to 01:51:55
Q: How does Yaron measure up to Jordan Peterson et al?
Jordan Peterson
01:51:56 to 01:58:31