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show introduction and brief comments on 1st Presidential debate
01:30 to 11:54
criteria for judging historical and modern individuals; evaluating creations of mixed/flawed individuals
virtues, morality, egoism, life, productivity, value
11:55 to 48:14
Q: difficulties of cutting off family members ?
48:15 to 49:16
Q: why is it hard to objectively judge family members ?
49:17 to 53:05
Q: why are societies' best individuals on the Left and what role does IQ and upbringing and reality-orientation have to do with that?
53:06 to 01:03:12
Q: thoughts on Simpsons deleting an episode featuring Michael Jackson as a guest voice actor?
01:03:13 to 01:05:41
analyzing lying and its impact on one's life; contexts in which lying is okay; lying according to Objectivism vs. Islam's Taqia
truth, selfishness, Honesty, life, values, philosophy
01:05:42 to 01:18:44
Q: are white lies okay if they are in the context of one's job ?
01:18:45 to 01:21:46
Q: thoughts on unconditional love ?
01:21:47 to 01:23:12
Q: what is an objective way to consume an opera?
01:23:13 to 01:27:51
Q: thoughts on relationship between success and envy ?
01:27:52 to 01:29:19
Q: how to explain the deeper connection between love and values and conditions?
01:29:20 to N/A