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Democratic candidate proposals on Medicare for All or public option
health care, government, socialism
02:51 to 06:18
Sam Sedar critiquing public option vs. Medicare for All
06:19 to 29:01
economic impact of free market health care vs. public option vs Medicare for All
29:02 to 43:17
requirements for continuous medical advancement vs. what the Left thinks
43:18 to 50:31
Q: What is the moral status of using a public option or a Medicare for all Program?
50:32 to 53:21
Q: any author/book recommendations dealing with Italian Renaissance especially banking and finance?
53:22 to 54:14
Q: How can an Objectivist government not influence the realm of ideas while still running the military and police?
54:15 to 59:44
Q: Should the US have intervened in WWII to save Great Britain? What standards and frames of reference should be used to analyze and judge these situations?
military history
59:45 to 01:04:17
Q: the prevalance of the car is not a result of free markets but the result of government created and funded roads?
01:04:18 to 01:07:16
Q: How does health care work in Canada and how do doctors get around it?
01:07:17 to 01:09:10
Q: Is it ever a good idea to sign a treaty with allies for mutual self-defense?
foreign policy
01:09:11 to N/A