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Atlantic article on Trump's remarks on military and soldiers
truth, politics, objectivity, media
02:49 to 05:10
2020 election polling
05:11 to 12:02
Q: thoughts on Bureau series ?
12:03 to 16:48
analyzing and discussing Diversity and Critical Race theory and its impact on government and academia and culture
collectivism, Capitalism, politics, role of government, racism, power
16:49 to 37:01
Q: what is the psychological motivation for nihilism?
37:02 to 43:00
Q: thoughts on superheros what makes them heroic?
43:01 to 45:23
Q: thoughts on having an Atlas Shrugged day?
45:24 to 46:10
commentary on Fed Chairman Powell interview on NPR
economics, politics, trade, role of government, finance, money
46:11 to 01:06:23
deregulation and deflation relationship on the economy
banking, jobs, economics, trade, finance
01:06:24 to 01:20:19
Powell on inflation and interest rates
economics, trade, role of government, finance, money
01:20:20 to N/A