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01:00 to 07:09
NYT atmosphere for non-Leftist writer
property rights, truth, Reason, individualism, objectivity, media
07:10 to 23:08
Q: If one doesn't have kids, then who will take care of oneself in old age?
23:09 to 24:03
Free Speech & Cancel Culture & appropriate expectations for communication
property rights, truth, Reason, society, role of government
24:04 to 49:44
Q: are White people being singled out for cancel culture ?
49:45 to 53:04
Q: what about discrimination for processing credit cards like Gab?
53:05 to 56:10
Q: will songs with the word 'white' be banned?
56:11 to 56:24
Q: thoughts on claims people make about feeling unsafe when exposed to different views?
56:25 to 59:13
Q: Does free speech exist in Middle East, China, or Japan?
59:14 to 01:02:46
Q: will cancel culture lead to a boom in entrepreneurship?
01:02:47 to 01:03:29
Q: Is Jordan Peterson an Objectivist?
01:03:30 to 01:04:20
Q: Shouldn't debating communism/socialism be a good thing to expose and critique them?
01:04:21 to 01:07:19
analysis of broucher posted on internet identifying 'white culture'
truth, Reason, individualism, objectivity, racism, power
01:07:20 to 01:26:16
Q: Is it a good time to buy a house given the market? Is China a threat to America given how much property it owns?
01:26:17 to 01:27:15
Q: Is Trump Social Justice for Whites?
01:27:16 to 01:29:54
Q: Thoughts on 1619 project and pushback against it?
01:29:55 to 01:32:59
Q: is it immoral to not wear a helmet while riding an electric scooter?
01:33:00 to 01:34:37
Q: why is the 2nd amendment something the American people are so eager to defend but not the rest?
01:34:38 to 01:36:10
Q: Should police and judges have to buy liability insurance?
01:36:11 to 01:39:05
Q: How did freer countries lose, initially, during WWII?
01:39:06 to 01:40:43
Q: why do most intellectuals make things more complicated than they really are?
01:40:44 to 01:41:34
Q: Should Libertarians/Objectivists be open borders?
01:41:35 to 01:43:51
Q: Thoughts on a website that critiques various things about the wacky Left?
01:43:52 to 01:45:12
Q: Is BLM a Marxist organization?
01:45:13 to 01:57:15
Q: Thoughts on LA teachers union calling for police defunding?
01:57:16 to 01:58:19
Q: Why not stay in Israel and make it Capitalist?
01:58:20 to N/A