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Tik Tok, Trump, and Microsoft
China, politics, trade, role of government, freedom, rights
02:55 to 11:56
takeaways from Covid-19 pandemic and responses to it
Reason, Science, medicine, politics, role of government, rights
11:57 to 43:01
Q: should individuals have access to Covid-19 vaccine without passing stage 3 trials ?
43:02 to 48:46
Q: Thoughts on Gates foundation work on Covid-19 vaccine?
48:47 to 53:30
Q: How much money do Yaron's dinners cost ?
53:31 to 54:51
Q: why won't socialists advocate for a commune existing under laissez-faire?
54:52 to 58:13
developments on Jeffrey Epstein
truth, rule of law, Justice, crime, politics, objectivity
58:14 to 01:14:13
Q: didn't Bernie lose the primary because of DNC ?
01:14:14 to 01:17:53
Harvard Ph.D student tweet about 2+2=5
Reality, Reason, facts, epistemology, mathematics
01:17:54 to 01:24:10
Q: thoughts on Lyndsey on Twitter being against CRT ?
01:24:11 to 01:24:50
Q: what are some resources for finance beyond Yaron's lecture courses ?
01:24:51 to 01:25:33
Q: Will Atlas mini-series happen? Will Yaron get on Rogan show ?
01:25:34 to 01:26:47
Q: should building regulations exist to protect people ?
01:26:48 to 01:32:47
Q: thoughts on decentralized finance through blockchain?
01:32:48 to 01:33:57
Q: could the debt be cut only by reducing spending and not touching taxes ?
01:33:58 to 01:35:21
Q: are Bill Gates and Elon Musk gay?
01:35:22 to N/A