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show introduction and promotion
01:11 to 08:00
background and analysis of Karl Marx and his ideology
intellectuals, determinism, collectivism, economics, politics, philosophy
08:01 to 22:48
Q: did Marx think humans could use Reason ?
22:49 to 23:46
Marx and Racism and Productivity as drivers of history
determinism, collectivism, nationalism, politics, philosophy
23:47 to 31:12
Q: Is the view that technology simply evolves and individual inventors are irrelevant a Marxist view of technological progress?
31:13 to 35:34
modern Marxists and Critical Race Theory
history, determinism, collectivism, economics, politics, racism
35:35 to 43:35
Marx's endgame vs. modern Egalitarianist Left
history, determinism, collectivism, inequality, government, philosophy
43:36 to 51:24
American orchestra composition and inequality
determinism, collectivism, egalitarianism, objectivity, media, racism
51:25 to 01:05:46
egalitarianism and English speaking ability
education, determinism, collectivism, inequality
01:05:47 to 01:11:41
combating Egalitarianism
collectivism, inequality, politics, Marxism, role of government, racism
01:11:42 to 01:18:47
Q: what kind of response would Yaron get from Shapiro or Brooks on Yaron's defense of capitalism?
01:18:48 to 01:22:43
Q: if the Right will turn fascist, then why support the Left ?
01:22:44 to 01:29:33
Q: thoughts on Charlie Cook and support of Trump ?
01:29:34 to 01:30:51
Q: are all the allegations of racism from the Left a form of conspiracy theory ?
01:30:52 to 01:32:12
Q: does open borders plus multi-culturalism work?
01:32:13 to 01:36:33
Q: is there data of every new generation turning to the Left ?
01:36:34 to 01:37:23
Q: can one be an Objectivist while still liking hip-hop with various lyrics?
01:37:24 to 01:39:38
Q: How would an honest Marxist deal with distributing limited resources to a community of Marxists?
01:39:39 to 01:41:04
Q: do most Americans deserve a dictatorship ?
01:41:05 to 01:41:45
Q: How does liking low art integrate with being an Objectivist?
01:41:46 to 01:43:42
Q: what is definition of cultural marxism?
01:43:43 to 01:44:09
Q: thoughts on CEOs testifying to Congress ?
01:44:10 to N/A