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Trader Joe's principled stand against racism and emotionalism
Reason, profit motive, individualism, heroism, rights, business
02:40 to 07:00
Congressional interview of Big Tech CEO's and antitrust investigation
mixed economy, anti-trust, authoritarianism, economics, role of government, business
07:01 to 50:44
Q: If Amazon and Apple got rid of their 3rd party platforms, then would Congress leave them alone?
50:45 to 52:19
moral-political arguments surrounding antitrust laws
profit motive, ethics, role of government, power-lust, rights
52:20 to 01:00:38
Q: why do CEOs participate in these hearings?
01:00:39 to 01:01:49
Big Tech's 'power' vs. Governmental power
mixed economy, individualism, role of government, freedom, rights, business
01:01:50 to 01:24:15
Q: which of the Big 4 tech companies was the best ?
01:24:16 to 01:25:35
Q: aren't advertisers harmed by having to go to Facebook for their marketing?
01:25:36 to 01:26:11
Q: are these companies too centrally run ?
01:26:12 to 01:28:41
Q: what would be repercussions for CEOs refusing to participate in congressional hearings ?
01:28:42 to 01:29:30
Q: doesn't the State want to get rid of or control all of the online platforms?
01:29:31 to 01:32:19
Q: how to talk to Sargon about his nationalist views and Trump ?
01:32:20 to 01:35:35
Q: How will Biden do against Trump in debates ?
01:35:36 to 01:37:54
Q: why are so many millionaires, especially in Hollywood, Marxists?
01:37:55 to 01:40:54
Q: does Yaron like London or NYC more?
01:40:55 to 01:43:19
Q: where does exercise fall on one's hierarchy of values ?
01:43:20 to 01:45:14
Q: thoughts on Trump moving election date ?
01:45:15 to 01:46:18
Q: If Trump loses the election and refuses, then what happens?
01:46:19 to 01:47:01
Q: thoughts on Kodak and it going out of business?
01:47:02 to 01:49:03
Q: thoughts on series Radioactive ?
01:49:04 to N/A