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Covid-19 seasonality, lockdowns, and responses/failures by government
Reason, Science, medicine, role of government
01:35 to 06:48
Q: How common is asymptomatic spread?
06:49 to 08:11
science and politics surrounding usage of masks in relation to Covid-19?
08:12 to 15:37
future projections of Covid-19 in America
15:38 to 17:34
EU approach to dealing with Covid-19 vs. USA approach
17:35 to 19:16
state government responses to Covid-19 and politics
19:17 to 19:52
Q: Why is death rate much lower than positive case rate?
19:53 to 21:04
Covid-19 mutation and infection rate and target demographics
21:05 to 22:12
Q: thoughts on T-cell studies out of Germany related to Covid-19?
22:13 to 23:08
updated Covid-19 treatments and potential cures/vaccines
23:09 to 30:22
Q: Any evidence between climate, heat, and humidity and transmission of Covid-19?
30:23 to 32:09
Asia's response to virus vs. the West
32:10 to 34:36
Q: concern about new swine flu out of China?
34:37 to 36:29
incompetence in government response to Covid-19
Science, medicine, politics, role of government
36:30 to 44:48
Q: What can we do to survive during Covid-19 until a vaccine is made?
44:49 to 52:20
Q: isn't this a mild virus and wearing masks isn't good?
52:21 to 57:24
Q: how dangerous is the MMT to America?
57:25 to 01:07:28
organizing a new movement to create change
01:07:29 to 01:09:57
death of Hong Kong
01:09:58 to 01:12:56
Q: thoughts on UK offering a path out to 3 million Hong Kong residents?
01:12:57 to 01:14:37
Q: thoughts on events in Portland?
01:14:38 to N/A