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The Economist magazine on Global Economic issues; Capitalism vs. Socialism & trade
economics, Capitalism, defending Capitalism, trade, freedom, free trade
01:45 to 09:19
Q: did immigration in the 19th century help production and economic growth?
09:20 to 12:17
secular stagnation, inequality, consumer and government spending
spending, economics, trade, government
12:18 to 16:20
'solutions' to improve the global economy
government debt, mixed economy, production, spending, central planning, economics
16:21 to 21:16
problems and solutions to issues in global economic supply
populations, economics, trade, role of government, productivity, immigration
21:17 to 34:07
problems and solutions to global economic demand
education, interest rates, economics, role of government, finance, business
34:08 to 40:59
Q: Which Founding Father had the best economic ideas?
41:00 to 42:04
Q: Is the theory that economies cannot infinitely grow a bad theory?
42:05 to 44:45
Q: Why do so many people think we need more inflation?
44:46 to 49:36
Q: What is the business cycle?
49:37 to 50:11
Q: What are the differences between the Austrian and Chicago schools of economics?
50:12 to 53:04
Q: What is Yaron's favorite Shakespeare play?
53:05 to 58:09
Q: What are Yaron's favorite romantic and heroic novels?
58:10 to 59:38
Q: Did Yaron ever help his children develop a hierarchy of values?
59:39 to 01:00:09
Q: Weren't the Nazi's a highly motivated military force?
01:00:10 to 01:02:15
Q: Thoughts on Armor-Deustche?
01:02:16 to 01:03:17
Q: Do movies like Avatar discourage economic growth?
01:03:18 to 01:03:52
Q: Original Star Trek vs. Star Trek: The Next Generation?
01:03:53 to 01:04:40
Q: Without the Federal Reserve, then how would bank runs be stopped?
01:04:41 to 01:07:05
Q: Why aren't prices rising given all the QE?
01:07:06 to 01:08:51
Q: What is the best way to achieve one's values when one is feeling down?
01:08:52 to N/A