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unprincipled SCOTUS ruling; individual liberty; protecting the rule of law
02:22 to 15:51
Q: Who has Yaron killed and why?
15:52 to 20:54
Trump Pardons himself; criticizing the President; importance of character and morality
20:55 to 33:29
Mueller investigation; creeps and cronyism
33:30 to 35:57
commercial break
35:58 to 38:38
Monsanto bought out by Bayer
38:39 to 44:29
Q: Why are Europeans scared of GMO’s?
44:30 to 45:59
Q: What is the best way to learn/study Objectivism to spread the message?
46:00 to 48:45
Q: How can one argue for property rights in CA?
48:46 to 54:16
Remembering Tiananmen Square
54:17 to 01:03:23
Q: Is Elon Musk a crony or a decent businessman?
01:03:24 to 01:07:37
Q: Is it harder for altruists to demonize tech business as compared to other businesses?
01:07:38 to 01:10:59
Tommy Robinson
01:11:03 to 01:14:30
Women drivers in Saudi Arabia
01:14:31 to 01:17:36
Q: Thoughts about protests in Jordan?
01:17:37 to 01:19:48