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deeper causes of frustration about Middle Class life in America
emotions, jobs, economics
07:00 to 10:47
underpaid jobs and worker influence on salary
10:48 to 18:34
data behind the changes in the Middle Class
inflation, jobs, economics, trade
18:35 to 32:09
changes in middle class income; quality of life changes
32:10 to 46:13
Artist standard of living and wages in 2019
46:14 to 47:13
Q: Is the world wide availability of Coca-Cola a result of free trade?
47:14 to 50:59
Q: Is there unearned guilt about the material wealth individuals possess?
51:00 to 51:44
Q: How does Objectivity relate to art? Can art embody nihilism?
51:45 to 53:22
Q: Is Objectivism a humanist philosophy?
53:23 to 54:32
tax rates on the ultra wealthy
taxes, Justice, economics, trade
54:33 to 01:01:59
evaluating political polices as a layman
foreign policy, economics, freedom
01:02:00 to 01:03:19
Q: Thoughts on the music by Saint Motell?
01:03:20 to 01:03:51
Q: Why can theocracy last forever even though M2 and D2 societies are destructive in nature?
01:03:52 to 01:06:52
Q: Thoughts on the argument that immigrants take poor jobs from others?
01:06:53 to 01:11:43
Q: Why is optimization or increases in productivity necessary?
01:11:44 to 01:15:04
Q: Is lying increasing in politics? Why is this the case?
01:15:05 to 01:16:37
Q: Can technologies like internet tracking, facial recognition, social scores, etc. be used to create perpetual dictatorship?
01:16:38 to 01:18:36
Q: Did the fall of Rome and the rise of Christianity set humanity back?
01:18:37 to 01:21:14
Q: Why can't people get rid of animal rights?
01:21:15 to N/A