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Trump's new tariffs on Brazil, Argentina, China, etc.
currency, foreign policy, economics, intellectual property, free trade
03:38 to 15:24
consequences of tariffs
tariffs, economics, trade, government, free trade
15:25 to 27:11
demonstrations in Chile & abroad
mixed economy, inequality
27:12 to 45:39
Q: Thoughts on Amiti Slay and her books on Great Depression and Great Society?
45:40 to 46:36
Q: thoughts on the movie 127 hours?
46:37 to 47:06
Q: What is the role of index funds? How do they impact the market?
47:07 to 51:11
Israel's PM accused of fraud
51:12 to 53:33
Q: Thoughts on Israeli culture?
53:34 to 59:39
Q: How do penalties against those who initiate force work under an Objectivist legal system/society?
59:40 to 01:01:04
Q: Thoughts on current Democratic presidential field? Predictions for 2020?
01:01:05 to N/A