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Trump's order to halt evictions over rent payments
economics, politics, altruism, coronavirus, role of government, business
03:45 to 32:21
government deficit exceeds GDP
economics, politics, trade, role of government, wealth, finance
32:22 to 37:42
Q: thoughts on massive unemployment benefits and rent cancellations going on?
37:43 to 42:26
Q: thoughts on betting on Biden to win the election given his current polling ?
42:27 to 44:14
Q: Does Trump support the welfare state or no?
44:15 to 45:42
Q: has Corona accelerated demise of America ?
45:43 to 50:21
defending Free Speech & Charlie Hebdo ; French trials ; Government and 1st amendment
property rights, role of government, freedom, individual rights, intellectual activism
50:22 to 01:04:54
Q: shouldn't landlords make their properties Air BnBs ?
01:04:55 to 01:06:51
Q: How could higher education in America be better ?
01:06:52 to 01:09:48
Q: imagine making sense of the world without Rand and Objectivism?
01:09:49 to 01:11:03
Q: why did the Nazis do twin experiments?
01:11:04 to 01:14:35
Q: thoughts on Fed efforts to combat inflation and interest rate manipulation?
01:14:36 to 01:18:00
Q: what can be done to stop the looting and violence ?
01:18:01 to 01:20:46
Q: will the Left be more violent if Trump wins?
01:20:47 to 01:21:58
Q: why did the intellectuals respond to Atlas Shrugged the way they did? Did Rand become depressed due to that?
01:21:59 to 01:24:12
Q: how to combat claims that Capitalism kills more than socialism/communism?
01:24:13 to 01:25:44
Q: How did Jefferson write the Declaration given his mixed ideas?
01:25:45 to N/A