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Turkey invades Syria & the Kurds; American response
foreign policy, terrorism, Islam
02:49 to 17:38
Q: Why has Israel built walls around itself? What extent has Hezbollah's existence influenced Israeli wall building?
17:39 to 21:21
Q: Thoughts on John Bolton and his foreign policy ?
21:22 to 27:15
Q: Did America's involvement in WWI lead to WWII?
27:16 to 33:43
Q: Thoughts on Brizhinski and his new book?
33:44 to 40:20
Q: Is there a connection between Hayek's views on rise of totalitarianism and current events in America?
40:21 to 43:17
Q: What areas could most benefit from application of Objectivism to them similar to Alex Epstein and the energy sector?
43:18 to 46:33
Q: Thoughts on Milton Friedman and older conservatives and/or libertarians?
46:34 to 51:39
Q: Thoughts on the psychology of Elizabeth Warren? Is she as nihilistic as Sanders?
51:40 to 52:51
Q: Thoughts on voting for Sanders? Why is this better than voting for other candidates and their potential victories?
52:52 to 54:00
Q: How can Yaron or other Objectivists make the claim that Rand is the best literary person ever?
54:01 to 56:13
Q: Would Yaron vote for Ben Shapiro in 2024?
56:14 to 57:59
Q: In lots of Sci-Fi movies, & in movies in general, why are most of the villains corporations or wealthy individuals?
movies, Capitalism
58:00 to 01:00:43
Q: Thoughts on Gene Simmons?
01:00:44 to 01:01:37
Q: In the primaries, should one vote against Trump or vote in the Democratic party?
01:01:38 to N/A