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takeaways from DNC and RNC for 2020
rule of law, economics, politics, role of government, tribalism
02:57 to 07:13
analysis of police shooting and riots in Kenosha
Legal Systems, property rights, rule of law, Justice, collectivism, role of government
07:14 to 22:44
video commentary and discussion
history, collectivism, politics, emotionalism, racism
22:45 to 33:25
Q: if riots continue, then should governments enact better stand your ground laws ?
33:26 to 34:50
Q: aren't a lot of these police issues the result of hiring standards for the police?
34:51 to 35:24
analysis of video Q&A on race and riots and police
history, politics, role of government, emotionalism, racism
35:25 to 01:11:04
Q: thoughts on Karen label?
01:11:05 to 01:13:06
Q: how to differentiate between pattern analysis and racist behaviors?
01:13:07 to 01:14:04
Q: is a cause of the riots the lack of purpose in young people's lives ?
01:14:05 to 01:16:06
Q: If one lived in Africa, then would one have white privilege?
01:16:07 to 01:17:25
Q: what does one do when BLM types are so irrational that nothing said or done will convince them to change?
01:17:26 to 01:18:37
Q: If there was evidence that a certain demographic commit more crimes than others, then is it rational to fear that demographic?
01:18:38 to 01:20:03
Q: what would one do if one was mobbed about raising a fist ?
01:20:04 to 01:20:51
Q: thoughts on blacks calling each other brother and sister even as complete strangers?
01:20:52 to 01:22:14
Q: wasn't the victim a criminal and resisting arrest?
01:22:15 to 01:23:03
Q: thoughts on blacks overcoming the bad culture and are attacked by Leftists?
01:23:04 to 01:27:02
Q: How would Yaron react if confronted at a restaurant by BLM types ?
01:27:03 to 01:31:24
Q: why are politicians continuing lockdowns ?
01:31:25 to 01:32:34
Q: Would Rand have liked Yaron and is it secondhanded to care about being liked by someone who you value/admire?
01:32:35 to 01:34:30
Q: thoughts that most recent presidents have been re-elected ?
01:34:31 to 01:35:08
Q: thoughts on new fast cheap tests for Covid-19 ?
01:35:09 to 01:36:11
Q: How was Yaron's latest exercise session?
01:36:12 to 01:38:02
Q: thoughts on MLK jrs comments on riots ?
01:38:03 to 01:39:05
Q: what is the principle behind dealing with terrorists and the morality of those actions?
01:39:06 to 01:43:13
Q: is there a way to better inform people about Congressional things like recent anti-trust hearings or to engage with business leaders?
01:43:14 to 01:45:27
Q: should one read the bible? how to interpret the bible?
01:45:28 to 01:48:39
Q: Is religion gaining ground in America?
01:48:40 to 01:49:19
Q: if disputes cannot be resolved, then is war justified?
01:49:20 to N/A