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Channel: All
Title / Remarks
Date / Duration
YBS: Krugman is Scared of Ayn Rand; A Debate of Lies; Why Trump is Losing
discussing Paul Krugman's article on Rand & Covid
truthFree SpeechHonestyobjectivitymediaintellectual activism
05:34 to 20:39
15.1 minutes
Krugman's article and responses to it
truthHonestyobjectivitymediaintellectual activismphilosophy
20:40 to 25:29
4.8 minutes
Yaron Brook Show: Judging Mixed People & When is Lying OK?
analyzing lying and its impact on one's life; contexts in which lying is okay; lying according to Objectivism vs. Islam's Taqia
01:05:42 to 01:18:44
13.0 minutes
Yaron Brook Show: Coronavirus - Inequality, the Economy & the Fed
numbers, data, and probabilities surrounding Covid-19; thinking rationally about data
17:59 to 22:30
4.5 minutes