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Title / Remarks
Date / Duration
YBS: Anti-discrimination Law, Tribalism and the War on Social Media W/ Steve Simpson
Q: are most judges emotionalist & irrational & vindictive & power lusting?
01:15:30 to 01:19:49
4.3 minutes
Q: how effective has IJ and PLF been about combating licensing laws?
01:19:50 to 01:22:47
3.0 minutes
Q: how to be pro-Founding Fathers while addressing slavery?
01:22:48 to 01:31:40
8.9 minutes
Q: thoughts on employers allowing non-white groups but not allowing white groups ?
01:31:41 to 01:37:50
6.2 minutes
Q: is it rational or racist for a driver to avoid black or dangerous neighborhoods ?
01:37:51 to 01:43:24
5.6 minutes
Q: what areas are ripe for legal reform ?
01:43:25 to 01:45:54
2.5 minutes
Q: don't anti-discrimination laws assume that individuals don't have agency and are owned by the state?
01:45:55 to 01:49:14
3.3 minutes
Q: guilt shouldn't be assumed due to a settlement?
01:49:15 to 01:50:04
49 seconds
Q: what about sexual harassment in higher education and business where the male is assumed guilty till proven innocent?
01:50:05 to 01:52:54
2.8 minutes
Q: thoughts on airlines charging obese people for 2 seats and similar practices?
01:52:55 to 01:55:40
2.8 minutes