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Title / Remarks
Date / Duration
Yaron Brook Show: Why is Everything Political Now?
YBS channel/show updates and milestones and goals
01:00 to 09:57
9.0 minutes
Yaron Brook Show: Contributor Q&A, June 2020
Q: Why are a lot of historical figures/inventors multi-disciplinarians? is this still true in modern times?
03:20 to 08:54
5.6 minutes
Q: Why do people think other people who hold crazy ideas are just stupid?
08:55 to 13:13
4.3 minutes
Yaron Brook Show: Why is Everything Political Now?
Q: Why do most conservatives reject the free market message?
09:58 to 13:03
3.1 minutes
the politicization of every aspect of life
educationmixed economyReasonScienceindividual rightsgovernment
13:04 to 41:57
28.9 minutes
Yaron Brook Show: Contributor Q&A, June 2020
Q: thoughts on how to preserve one's self-esteem and rationality while engaging the culture?
13:14 to 23:39
10.4 minutes
Q: thoughts on the term prejudice in context of current events?
23:40 to 26:16
2.6 minutes
Q: thoughts on a border wall on social media to keep conservatives out to make Objectivism great again?
26:17 to 27:08
51 seconds
Q: Thoughts on Gibson's newest book?
27:09 to 27:33
24 seconds
Q: thoughts on an Atlantic article on danger of CDOs and CDLs?
27:34 to 33:34
6.0 minutes