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Channel: All
Title / Remarks
Date / Duration
"Antisocial" author Andrew Marantz on how the far right hijacked the internet
Why the constant lying by Trump? Does it work? Yes: it's part of building an emotional bond with the constituency.
50:56 to 56:00
5.1 minutes
Is Twitter responsible for this situation?
56:01 to 56:44
43 seconds
What can we do? Where does it go next? We have to regulate it.
56:45 to 59:25
2.7 minutes
We know social media is bad for society - so what is next? Regulation has to be driven by social consensus. Ultimately, it is a Capitalism problem.
59:26 to 01:02:33
3.1 minutes
Are you hopeful after writing this?
01:02:34 to 01:04:05
1.5 minutes
Wrap up - Marantz's current article: "Crisis of Conscience" and the Esalen Institute
01:04:06 to 01:05:42
1.6 minutes
A brief aside regarding "The Truman Show"
01:05:43 to 01:07:35
1.9 minutes
Ayn Rand on Free Speech and Church-State SeparationElan Journo Interview with Onkar Ghate
Examples of some common free speech concerns and issues in the news
01:02 to 02:18
1.3 minutes
How does the First Amendment in the US related to these typical free speech concerns?
02:59 to 07:31
4.5 minutes
What was John Locke's role in shaping the founder's vision of free speech?
07:34 to 15:52
8.3 minutes