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Channel: Objectivist Conference Presentations
Title / Remarks
Date / Duration
Marxism, Revolution and Utopia by John Ridpath
Marxism as a powerful rationalization; legitimizer for power-lust; immune to falsification.
51:40 to 53:00
1.3 minutes
What is the ultimate goal offered by Marxism that makes it a secular version of Christianity's "redemption saga"?
32:55 to 42:44
9.8 minutes
Communism as freedom to pursue life "as you will", a return to the Garden of Eden; a redemption saga.
48:44 to 51:37
2.9 minutes
Marxism's view of freedom and the purpose of production. The creation of the ideal man.
42:46 to 48:43
6.0 minutes
History Lesson: A Brief History of the Middle East, Part 1 of 5
birth of Mohammed and Islam
12:40 to 23:29
10.8 minutes
Islam and Judaism
27:40 to 32:29
4.8 minutes
Islam gaining power: Medina vs. Mecca; Mohammed triumphant
32:30 to 35:59
3.5 minutes
"modern" Middle East vs. ancient Middle East: similarities and differences
00:10 to 07:59
7.8 minutes
the Middle east pre-Islam: the birthplace of human civilization
08:00 to 12:39
4.7 minutes
Mohammed, Islam, pure theocracy, and warfare
23:30 to 27:39
4.2 minutes