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Channel: Objectivist Conference Presentations
Title / Remarks
Date / Duration
History Lesson: The Rise of Totalitarian Islam, Part 1 of 4
intellectual ideas behind Muslim Brotherhood’s founding and activities in Egypt
48:59 to 54:03
5.1 minutes
death of Muslim Brotherhood and rise of Arab Nationalism in 1950’s
01:20:27 to 01:27:44
7.3 minutes
19th century Muslim thinkers’ influence on Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
42:58 to 48:58
6.0 minutes
Q: what is the short-term goal of Islamists?
01:27:45 to 01:28:37
52 seconds
Egypt & Islam in early 20th century
37:20 to 42:57
5.6 minutes
Egyptian Revolution in 1952: Muslim Brotherhood ceases power under Nassar
01:15:11 to 01:20:26
5.3 minutes
Increasing size, aggressiveness, and power of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
01:09:00 to 01:15:10
6.2 minutes
Muslim Brotherhood on the expanse; rise of PLO and Hamas
01:00:35 to 01:04:09
3.6 minutes
rapid growth of the Muslim Brotherhood; core ideas of Islamic Law
54:04 to 01:00:34
6.5 minutes
Muslim Brotherhood, the Nazis, and the Communists in WWII
01:04:10 to 01:08:59
4.8 minutes