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Channel: Yaron Brook Lectures
Title / Remarks
Date / Duration
History Lesson: A Brief History of the Middle East, Part 1 of 5
birth of Mohammed and Islam
12:40 to 23:29
10.8 minutes
Islam and Judaism
27:40 to 32:29
4.8 minutes
Islam gaining power: Medina vs. Mecca; Mohammed triumphant
32:30 to 35:59
3.5 minutes
Islam on the move
36:00 to 38:24
2.4 minutes
"modern" Middle East vs. ancient Middle East: similarities and differences
00:10 to 07:59
7.8 minutes
the Middle east pre-Islam: the birthplace of human civilization
08:00 to 12:39
4.7 minutes
Mohammed, Islam, pure theocracy, and warfare
23:30 to 27:39
4.2 minutes
Yaron Lectures: Free Speech, Free Markets with Dave Rubin at UCF
Q: comments on open-carry in Israel and the relationship between gun laws and the school shooting issue
gun controleducation
01:25:17 to 01:28:42
3.4 minutes
Initial remarks by Yaron - Pinker's "Enlightenment Now" and the proper role of government
04:07 to 09:07
5.0 minutes
Introductory Remarks
00:00 to 04:05
4.1 minutes