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Excerpts from Debate 1984

For Meetup discussion


1. Debate 1984 | Socialism or Capitalism: Which Is the Moral System?
Peikoff: the mind is the basic source of every pro-life value
50 seconds
2. Debate 1984 | Socialism or Capitalism: Which Is the Moral System?
Ridpath: Man, in a social setting, needs one thing: freedom
Is this compelling
58 seconds
3. Debate 1984 | Socialism or Capitalism: Which Is the Moral System?
Peikoff: definition of Capitalism
Definition of Capitalism by the Capitalists
40 seconds
4. Debate 1984 | Socialism or Capitalism: Which Is the Moral System?
Kaplan: What is Socialism? Almost a religion; that will suppress the black part of the human soul and elevate the best.
Closest thing to a definition of Socialism by the Socialists
40 seconds
5. Debate 1984 | Socialism or Capitalism: Which Is the Moral System?
Vickers: I'm Aristotelian; all things in moderation, including self-sacrifice. Selfishness vs. altruism is a false dichotomy.
Why do we have to choose between selfishness and altruism? Is this compelling?
1.6 minutes