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What conservatives mean by the "transcendent" and its relationship to purpose

Jordan Peterson and other conservative speakers often mention the transcendent, and the necessity of the transcendent in grounding values, and finding one's purpose. What do they mean by "transcendent"?


1. How My Crisis Can Help You Find Meaning In Your Life | Ravi Zacharias | SPIRITUALITY | Rubin Report
Zacharias view of purpose: it requires a transcendent first cause.
Ravi Zacharias speaks on the transcendent
54 seconds
2. Sir Roger Scruton/Dr. Jordan B. Peterson: Apprehending the Transcendent
Jordan Peterson answers the question: what is the transcendent? "What's transcendent is more real than the reality that you perceive."
A definition from Jordan Peterson
2.9 minutes
3. How My Crisis Can Help You Find Meaning In Your Life | Ravi Zacharias | SPIRITUALITY | Rubin Report
Is there a way to speed this up, or make it happen on a wider scale? Zacharias: It has to begin with a transcendent, eternal purpose.
The relationship of transcendent to purpose
48 seconds