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What does the term "Christian apologist" mean? (not a synonym for apologizing)
00:59 to 03:25
The internet and the velocity of ideas in the modern age
intellectual activism
03:26 to 06:34
Ravi Zacharias personal history; youth in India; attempted suicide at 17; christian conversion
06:35 to 11:10
Zacharias view of purpose: it requires a transcendent first cause.
11:11 to 12:05
The youth today are in pursuit of meaning - which they can get from religion.
12:05 to 14:43
Is it possible for some people to grab the "existential bootstraps" and create meaning for themselves? Zacharias: yes, but it is not rationally convincing. Only religion can make truth universal.
14:44 to 16:18
Zacharias vs. Peterson on why religion is necessary for a moral society
16:19 to 19:23
Is it enough for Peterson's conclusions to be right? Ultimately no, but they are still valuable. But the foundation is essential.
19:24 to 21:00
The problem with a pluralistic culture: all thoughts aren't equal - there is a moral authority beyond us.
21:01 to 21:20
Egalitarianism vs Elitism - we're meant to be equal as people, but not all ideas are equal.
21:21 to 22:21
The destruction of sensible dialog - is it a worldwide phenomenon?
22:22 to 24:02
What can we do in a world of "cancel culture"? Is it enough to just keep putting out good ideas?
24:03 to 26:11
Is the degeneration of dialog due to the products of the secular world? Zacharias: Yes, secularism led us to a bankruptcy of values.
26:12 to 30:30
Does Zacharias' view align with the US Constitution and the role of govt in society?
30:31 to 32:04
So how do we reverse course from the negative cycle? Zacharias: It has to start in academia.
32:05 to 33:16
Is it possible to turn things around? Zacharias: a small number of individuals can be very influential.
33:17 to 35:50
Is there a way to speed this up, or make it happen on a wider scale? Zacharias: It has to begin with a transcendent, eternal purpose.
36:00 to 36:48
How would a healthy society deal with the forces of modernity: technological developments, secular ideas, etc.?
36:49 to 40:07
The value of dialog, even in the face of disagreement.
40:08 to 43:36
Zacharias' view on truth - coherence and correspondence with reality
43:37 to 44:13
Politicians seem to feel they can solve our problems - but would you agree they are ours to solve?
44:14 to 48:02
Is some great tragedy required for a cultural reset? Zacharias: that or a great religious revival.
48:03 to 50:26
What is the general state of happiness across the world? Zacharias: Happiness is not a thing to be achieved, it is a by-product.
50:27 to 54:26