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background on Dr. Erickson and his Covid-19 briefing
Reason, medicine, objectivity, role of government, mathematics, statistics
02:55 to 06:39
analysis and discussion of Dr. Erickson's Coronavirus briefing video
rationality, Reason, medicine, objectivity, Thinking, statistics
06:40 to 35:21
scientific communication during a pandemic vs. governmental actions during Covid-19 pandemic
Reason, Science, politics, objectivity, role of government, power
35:22 to 41:49
Q: Thoughts on Bill Mars vs. David Crenshaw debate?
41:50 to 44:13
Q: Does a morality that promotes suffering lead to an exacerbation of negative events like Covid-19?
44:14 to 49:12
Q: What is the short and long term market outlook?
49:13 to 55:05
Q: Thoughts on the breaks in the food chain?
55:06 to 56:53
Q: Isn't this lockdown a good opportunity to blame economic issues on government?
56:54 to 57:23
Q: Thoughts on how startups and certain stocks will do?
57:24 to 59:55
Q: tips for a student in finance to be good in the field?
59:56 to 01:00:55
Q: Assuming the at risk groups are protected and adequate testing and tracing are done, should the lockdowns end?
01:00:56 to 01:02:19
Q: Thoughts on Billions and some of its characters?
01:02:20 to 01:05:59
Q: Thoughts on the movie/book Gone with the Wind? Did Rand ever comment on it?
01:06:00 to 01:08:06
Q: How can Trump not be embarrassed about bragging about his TV ratings for his Corona briefings?
01:08:07 to 01:09:17
Q: Thoughts on Laffer curve?
01:09:18 to 01:10:26
Q: Why does Dominique drop the statue in the Fountainhead?
01:10:27 to N/A