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death of Sean Connery
03:00 to 06:34
TV show recommendations
06:35 to 08:59
Honesty as a virtue under Altruism vs. Honesty in Objectivism
truth, collectivism, ethics, virtues, emotionalism, values
09:00 to 24:09
defining and explaining Honesty in Objectivism and Life
Reality, selfishness, Reason, individualism, ethics, philosophy
24:10 to 27:09
Q: how does a parent or boss or mentor teach the importance of honesty; especially when lying is easy?
27:10 to 34:45
Q: do children go through a phase of lying?
34:46 to 37:01
Honesty, Lying, and Context keeping or droping
Reality, Reason, Self-Esteem, egoism, life, values
37:02 to 53:00
Q: as religionists get older, do they become aware of the lies involved with religion?
53:01 to 54:23
Q: Is there more garbage out in reality making it more difficult to find the truth?
54:24 to 59:39
Q: what is the link between self-esteem and Honesty?
59:40 to 01:07:04
Q: what is Objectivist view on mysticism, subjectivism and skepticism?
01:07:05 to 01:08:44
Q: are Objectivists similar to Stoicisms?
01:08:45 to 01:09:44
Q: What happened to dignity in Hollywood?
01:09:45 to 01:10:54
Q: are most police officers bullies and thugs on a power trip?
01:10:55 to 01:13:24
Q: which is worse for America: right wing fascism or left wing anarchism?
01:13:25 to 01:14:59
Q: are emotions a part of the rational faculty?
01:15:00 to 01:17:48
Q: thoughts on the death of James Rhandi?
01:17:49 to 01:19:29
Q: why is it bad that there might not be a clear winner right away with the election?
01:19:30 to 01:30:45
Q: what does one do to handle loneliness in a literal and intellectual sense?
01:30:46 to N/A