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The attacks on "Big Business" - the main talking points: CEO pay, the "Imperial" CEO, corporate democracy.
00:00 to 05:45
The current regulatory environment - Sarbanes Oxley (SOX). The subjectivity of interpreting regulation.
05:46 to 07:19
The universality of the attacks on corporations. Ralph Nader as a primary figure, who introduced the idea of corporate democracy.
07:20 to 09:43
Examples of hatred of the corporate form from liberals, conservatives, and libertarians. There are real issues -how did we get to this point?
corporate governance, social responsibility, stakeholders
09:44 to 17:29
Background on the phenomenal productivity and gradual destruction of the corporation
17:30 to 20:49
Q: How does the US stock market compare to other countries? DOW vs Nikkei
20:50 to 23:09
Q: What factors account for American market success? Is it an apples-to-apples comparison?
23:10 to 24:53
Q: What does GDP represent?
24:54 to 25:54
Defining corporations - what makes them unique as compared to self-proprietorships and partnerships? Limited liability.
25:54 to 33:37
Q: Isn't it the case that even in an LLC or Inc. someone can be required to assume personal liability?
33:38 to 35:00
Q: Limited liability decreases shareholder risk, but doesn't it increase lender risk?
35:00 to 37:11
Limited liability and torts
37:12 to 41:52
Q: Is control the key issue in limited liability vs. means? How is shareholders providing cash different from someone who supplied the gun in a crime.
41:53 to 44:29
Q: Is there a significant difference between corporations and other forms in terms of taxation?
43:44 to 44:40
Q: differentiation between criminal and limited liability for a corporation?
44:41 to 44:59
Corporations as separate legal entities - the "fictitious person" concept
45:00 to 48:38
The rights of corporations - do corporations get special rights, or lose rights?
48:38 to 50:38
Corporate lifespans
50:39 to 51:43
Ownership and control of corporations - is it reasonable that shareholders/owners are separated from control of the corporation?
corporate governance
51:44 to 54:22
How did we get here - why are there so many corporations? Why are some so large?
54:23 to 55:54
Q: What about public vs. private corporations?
55:55 to 58:54
Corporate Free Speech
Free Speech
58:55 to 01:01:42
Q: How does bankruptcy work and is it legitimate? Chapter 11 reorganization.
01:01:51 to 01:06:11
The history of corporations and the idea of orporations as government creations: 16th century Britain and early 19th century USA
social responsibility
01:06:13 to 01:13:39
A new chapter: in 1836 the corporate form begins to change
01:13:40 to 01:16:25
Q: What started the changes in corporate legal structure in the US in 1836?
01:16:26 to 01:21:39
A summary of the attacks against corporations, and the answers to those charges
01:21:40 to 01:23:09
Q: What is the government’s proper role in creating the legal structure of corporations? Should the government stay out of it entirely?
01:23:10 to 01:25:48
Q: Do companies have the right to create their own legal structure?
01:25:49 to 01:26:35