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Update on YBS crowd-funding
00:00 to 05:21
Q: to what extent, if any, does a company’s cronyism impact their property rights?
05:22 to 10:37
Q: Are there any contemporary fiction books that have Objectivist heroes?
10:38 to 12:48
Q: Thoughts on Bond-Index Funds?
12:49 to 14:59
Q: Thoughts on 4% rule for retirement funds?
15:00 to 17:49
Q: Are most middle-class jobs today government jobs?
17:50 to 18:48
Q: what is Western Civilization?
18:49 to 22:56
Q: Are nihilistic intellectuals aware of the causal connection between their ideas and the state of the world?
22:57 to 26:47
Q: Thoughts on Elizabeth Warren’s proposed legislation on drug prices and competition?
26:48 to 31:29
Q: Thoughts on living life early on as frugally as possible due to future uncertainties?
31:30 to 36:28
Q: How would congressional representation work under Objectivist society?
36:29 to 40:29
Q: As an Israeli-Jew, is Germany hard to visit and are they still anti-Semitic?
40:30 to 45:26
Q: how much of the market down-turn is Trump’s fault vs. the Fed’s fault?
45:27 to 49:42
Q: What is the free market, how is it created, what does it do, and can it be applied to non-economic matters?
49:43 to 52:22
Q: Which modern culture or country has the best attitude towards sex?
52:23 to 58:44
Q: Is Oskar Schindler an altruist?
58:45 to 01:10:07
Q: how does Dubai not get attacked by terrorists?
01:10:08 to 01:10:55
Q: thoughts on magic mushrooms?
01:10:56 to 01:12:16
Q: regulations on food because of sugar addiction?
01:12:17 to 01:15:49
Q: When will recession happen and what are its causes?
01:15:50 to 01:17:06
Q: What are the most economically and socially free countries?
01:17:07 to 01:19:59
Q: Why are Israelis so obnoxious?
01:20:00 to 01:21:33
Q: thoughts on guilt-tripping others?
01:21:34 to 01:22:14
Q: What is the use of the labor-force participation rate?
01:22:15 to N/A