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YBS housekeeping
00:00 to 05:09
Government Shutdown; causes and solutions; priorities & debt
05:10 to 16:49
Q: Why are Scandinavian countries fiscally responsible?
16:50 to 26:25
Q: Is there a reason why society need or use money?
26:26 to 30:34
Q: Should Brazil and Colombia invade Venezuela?
30:35 to 33:06
Q: Show on Elizabeth Warren and her attacks on Capitalism?
33:07 to 33:39
Q: Under Objectivism, what would the currency be?
33:40 to 35:09
Q: Show on Primacy of Consciousness?
35:10 to 36:40
Q: Why is Gold valuable?
36:41 to 40:19
Q: Should there be building laws around obstructing ocean views?
40:20 to 43:36
Trump & Mitt Romney; Leadership and Character; Presidency;
43:37 to 49:42
Q: What is the most harmful to economic growth of a country?
49:43 to 53:59
Patreon, credit card companies, government, property and free speech
54:00 to 01:04:59
Q: Thoughts on modern monetary theory?
01:05:00 to 01:05:42
Q: Hasn’t Chinese air pollution killed many?
01:05:43 to 01:07:30
Q: Yaron’s 2019 event plans
01:07:31 to 01:09:59
Q: Why is Yaron so anti-Trump?
01:10:00 to N/A