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Yaron’s back surgery and recovery
00:25 to 14:39
commercial break
14:40 to 15:19
taxes and the proper role of government
15:20 to 23:51
Commercial Break
23:52 to 24:27
shrinking government, regulations, and tax revenue
24:28 to 35:49
commercial Break
35:50 to 36:24
Understanding individual rights and de-regulating and cut spending
36:25 to 45:51
Commercial break
45:52 to 46:19
Q: what is the relationship between Congress and the Judiciary?
46:20 to 56:25
commercial break
56:26 to 57:05
analyzing the tax bill: media coverage, Left and Right reactions, starving the government, and corporate taxes
57:06 to 01:09:40
Commercial Break
01:09:41 to 01:10:19
A limit on bill length; simplifying and reforming taxes properly
01:10:20 to 01:18:13
commercial Break
01:18:14 to 01:18:46
Q: Who owes the money on the debt, who is the money owed too, and why not default on the debt via refusal to pay via military threats?
01:18:47 to 01:27:09
Q: shouldn’t education reform focus on the youngest ages?
01:27:10 to N/A