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The historical and modern treatment of finance in politics and the culture
00:19 to 09:30
commercial Break
09:31 to 10:05
Yaron's upcoming book: “In Pursuit of Wealth: The Moral Case for Finance”
10:15 to 12:22
Finance as depicted in the movie "It's a Wonderful Life"
12:23 to 14:35
The role of profit and loss in mortgages and lending
14:35 to 19:30
commercial break
19:35 to 20:07
individual benefits and long-term gains from finance: invest and save; rational, long-term self-interest in finance
20:08 to 28:36
Commercial break
28:37 to 29:12
origins of banking; morality of profit
29:13 to 36:16
Commercial Break
36:17 to 36:54
Interrelationship between financial market and economy; Sarbanes-Oxley
regulation, finance
36:55 to 46:29
commercial Break
46:30 to 47:00
Financial markets and human flourishing; American financial success in late 20th c.
47:01 to 56:09
commercial break
56:10 to 56:46
dealing with risk in finance and financial tools like derivatives
56:47 to 01:04:39
Commercial break
01:04:40 to 01:05:16
Financiers and Financial Markets as value-creators; Great Depression & 2008 crisis
01:05:17 to N/A