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explaining why the Moral is the Practical according to Objectivism
04:38 to 14:19
Practicality vs. Pragmatism; long-term perspective
14:20 to 19:36
Commercial Break
19:37 to 21:59
the Right’s assault on big tech via regulations and antitrust
22:00 to 29:29
the Left’s BAADD attack on big tech, Amazon vs. Apple
29:30 to 41:39
the myth of AT&T’s monopoly
41:40 to 52:09
market value of: Apple, Google, and Amazon
52:10 to 55:29
Google as 21st century God; Apple is the heart; Amazon is the Gut
55:30 to 01:04:26
Big tech’s sins against Society/Government
01:04:27 to 01:13:27
Big Tech & the economy
01:13:28 to 01:17:24
Silicon Valley’s ‘bias’ against conservatives as cause to regulate them; free speech
01:17:25 to 01:29:10
Conservatism’s pragmatic argument against Big Tech; principle of private property right
property rights
01:29:11 to 01:34:59
naked power grab
01:35:00 to 01:36:32
the Left’s dominance in Silicon Valley; Objectivism applied to big tech’s quandary
01:36:33 to N/A