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Yaron’s ideal podcast set-up
00:00 to 02:44
Yaron in Georgia and Azerbaijan
02:45 to 11:04
Yaron in France
11:05 to 22:09
Death of Europe and Muslim Immigration; Douglas Murray’s book
22:10 to 40:24
the actual Foundation of European civilization
40:25 to 44:47
European history over the past 250 years; the life and death of Enlightenment ideals
44:48 to 54:39
filling the void: immigrants and multiculturalism
54:40 to 58:09
Enlightenment as a rejection of Christianity
58:10 to 01:07:39
Christianity killing the West via altruism
01:07:40 to 01:10:42
Completing & Defending the Enlightenment: Ayn Rand and Objectivism
01:10:43 to 01:19:34
disastrous contemporary philosophies of 20th century; failing to change the world
01:19:35 to N/A