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Aeon article “Kids? Just Say No”
03:19 to 30:32
Q: Existence vs. non-existence, the origin of the concept of value, and the origins of morality
30:49 to 32:23
Q: Is there ‘absolute universal knowledge’ and who determines it?
32:14 to 34:54
Q: How does one judge what is best for one's life? What values are universal and what are specific to individuals. How does that apply to judging music: Mozart vs. rap
34:55 to 43:06
Q: Is life the standard for survival or flourishing?
43:07 to 47:21
Q: Why do many religious communities appear to be healthier than other communities?
47:22 to 51:58
commercial break
51:59 to 52:53
atheism as a derivative concept or secondary consequence of Reason
52:54 to 53:54
Q: Isn’t the Aeon article derived from St. Augustine’s works?
53:55 to 55:29
Q: Galt’s Gulch as a model for society?
55:30 to 01:07:56
Q: What is Objectivism’s meaning of life?
01:07:57 to 01:11:54
Q: How does one compare Rand’s life with her philosophy?
01:11:55 to 01:18:26
Commercial break
01:18:27 to 01:19:06
Q: What if people die due to lack of charity under laissez-faire medicine?
01:19:07 to 01:23:26
Q: What about Mises’ grounding of economics in praxeology and what is a proper grounding of economics?
01:23:27 to 01:25:14
Q: What is Objectivism’s view of death and dying?
01:25:15 to 01:26:51
Q: Would Yaron debate Stefan Molyneux?
01:26:52 to 01:29:01
Q: How does one deal with being objective in a tribalistic society?
01:29:02 to 01:30:44
Q: What about the disabled people under laissez-faire?
01:30:45 to 01:32:43
Q: What is Objectivism’s position on sacrifice?
01:32:44 to 01:40:49
Q: What is a proper measure of a society's’ value and virtue?
01:40:50 to 01:43:58
Q: How does one compare nationalism’s threat vs. Islam’s threat?
01:43:59 to 01:51:26
Q: Differentiate between the person who seeks love and seeking to be loved?
01:51:27 to 01:52:49
Music Recommendation: Tchaikovsky’s Trio
01:53:05 to 01:55:08