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Yaron’s background
01:25 to 02:29
The Fountainhead & Atlas Shrugged and their influence on the culture
02:30 to 05:49
Rand & Aristotle: similarities and differences
05:50 to 07:37
Rise of Emotionalism vs. Supremacy of Reason
07:38 to 09:09
Rational Self-interest, morality of egoism, selfishness
09:10 to 10:42
Q: which Rand work should an individual start with?; additional resources on Rand
10:43 to 12:09
Impact of lectures and OCON; hard work to be selfish
12:10 to 16:12
Role of public education in creating obedient workers
16:13 to 16:54
Q: Isn’t Trump pursuing his self-interest?; who determines one’s self-interest
16:55 to 21:29
Achieving Happiness is the individual’s responsibility
21:30 to 23:54
How Billionaires are ‘created’
23:55 to N/A