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Q: Wouldn’t an open immigration policy be a net positive for America?
00:15 to 07:14
commercial Break
07:15 to 07:44
Q: How long until WWIII?
07:45 to 11:44
Figuring out what America is; the case for hating one’s enemies
11:45 to 19:15
commercial break
19:16 to 21:22
Republican hypocrisy from FDR through Trump
21:23 to 27:14
Commercial break
27:15 to 27:44
Why the Left keeps winning and the Right keeps losing
27:45 to 30:35
Q: how does one deal with the issue of ‘globalism’?
30:36 to 33:29
the Left holds the ideological high ground
33:30 to 37:43
Commercial Break
37:44 to 38:16
the American founding: enshrining reason and individualism
38:17 to N/A