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Yaron in Switzerland; Free Speech event with Flemming Rose
00:40 to 07:29
WSJ article: declining American mobility
07:30 to 10:06
commercial Break
10:07 to 10:26
consequences of economic freedom in America
10:27 to 16:32
economic immobility in rural America
16:33 to 19:24
Commercial Break
19:25 to 19:44
statism causing economic immobility in rural America
19:45 to 29:15
Commercial break
29:16 to 29:31
Pursuit of Happiness and moving to find new opportunities
29:32 to 35:54
commercial break
35:55 to 36:16
Question/comment: a moving story about moving to find a job
36:17 to 40:36
government restricting mobility: zoning laws, licensing laws, etc.
40:37 to 48:41
commercial Break
48:42 to 49:00
generational differences in work ethic and trust
49:01 to 55:22
Commercial break
55:23 to 55:44
the Welfare state and a mentality of Victimhood/Entitlement
55:45 to 01:00:29
Q: Isn’t moving as a part of the military a good thing?
01:00:30 to 01:02:37
Q: Isn’t the migration out of states like CA a problem because they bring their bad ideas with them?
01:02:38 to 01:05:03
Commercial Break
01:05:04 to 01:05:20
Making America Great: Freedom, Individual rights, and economic mobility
01:05:21 to N/A