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origins of Thanksgiving; producers and Amazon
00:25 to 12:16
commercial Break
12:17 to 12:54
the myth of the Robber Barons
12:55 to 16:43
Q: How appropriate is it to give thanks to menial laborers?
16:44 to 20:59
Q: Why is money not power in the political sense?
21:00 to 23:45
Commercial break
23:46 to 24:24
being thankful to the financial industry and workers
24:25 to 28:37
Q: When joining the military, what is a rational motivation to do so?
28:38 to 34:21
Commercial Break
34:22 to 34:55
Q: Shouldn’t one be thankful to one’s productive parents?
34:56 to 38:23
Q: Isn’t Qunet Coldair Art Gallery a prime example of good art?
38:24 to 41:43
Q: Why do socialists claim that those who’ve become wealthy have done so at others expense?
41:44 to 45:47
commercial break
45:48 to 46:17
Net Neutrality explained
46:18 to 01:00:09
commercial Break
01:00:10 to 01:00:49
Net Neutrality and the government
01:00:50 to 01:06:51
Antitrust and Net Neutrality
01:06:52 to 01:09:49
Commercial break
01:09:50 to 01:10:23
general welfare
01:10:24 to 01:16:54
Egyptian terrorist attack, Kurds, Israel-Palestine conflict, and Turks
01:16:55 to 01:25:24
Commercial Break
01:25:25 to 01:25:45
Q: How to properly analyze political candidates in Brazil?
01:25:46 to N/A