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Yaron Brook Show: Interview with Neuroscientist Dale Stevens

Service: YouTube
Publshed on: Jul 30, 2018
Duration: 01:42:00
The Yaron Brook Show

introducing Dale Stevens and his background; human brain similarities
00:50 to 16:29
15.7 minutes
explaining and defining Neuroscience
16:30 to 24:44
8.2 minutes
Current Neuroscience research; memory and concept formation
24:45 to 32:59
8.2 minutes
Q: Is it possible to trick an individual to have false memories?
33:00 to 35:59
3.0 minutes
differences between memory in humans
36:00 to 48:59
13.0 minutes
Developing new treatments for depression with neuroscience
49:00 to 58:27
9.5 minutes
Neuroscience, depression, neurochemicals, Free Will vs. chemical Determinism
58:28 to 01:08:59
10.5 minutes
Studies to explain Free Will and Focus
01:09:00 to 01:12:39
3.7 minutes
Sam Harris, Neuroscience, and Determinism
01:12:40 to 01:26:09
13.5 minutes
Q: What is Deja-Vu?; Tip-of-the-Tongue
01:26:10 to 01:30:42
4.5 minutes
Q: Method of Loci?; Hypnosis
01:30:43 to 01:33:47
3.1 minutes
connecting Neuroscience and Concepts
01:33:48 to N/A
8.2 minutes