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Introducing Paul Beard; background, resume, and Objectivist growth
00:00 to 05:34
Objectivism, Property rights, Judges, and the Law
05:35 to 09:44
Pacific Legal Foundation, A History and the Supreme Court
09:45 to 13:04
California Coastal Commission, a synopsis
13:05 to 22:06
assessing California’s present and future
22:07 to 26:16
Making progress in CA and around America; Trump Federal Court Nominees
26:17 to 29:25
Environmental regulations and business owners and legal battles; regulatory agencies
29:26 to 37:32
Private Law Practice in CA with Paul Beard
37:33 to 40:47
Q: Are all beaches in CA public property like in Hawaii?
40:48 to 45:02
Applying property rights to beaches and ocean front property under laissez-faire
45:03 to 47:19
Endangered Species; Spotted Owls and Environmentalists’ lists
47:20 to 51:39
51:40 to 58:59
Property rights, Institute of Justice, and School Choice in Puerto Rico
59:00 to 01:00:56
Q: How does a law student get involved in litigating pro-liberty cases?
01:00:57 to N/A