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Yaron Brook Show: Jimmy Dore on Amazon, J.K. Rowling, New Budget, other news...

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Service: YouTube
Publshed on: Dec 19, 2019
Duration: 01:37:28

Not included in any channel

Impeachment of Trump
04:13 to 11:48
7.6 minutes
Congress passes a budget and a new Trade Deal
government debteconomicstradeintellectual property
11:49 to 26:05
14.3 minutes
J.K. Rowlings in Twitter trouble
Free Speechtradegendersex
26:06 to 34:04
8.0 minutes
defending Producers: Amazon & Jeff Bezos
34:05 to 01:14:10
40.1 minutes
Q: Why haven't more intellectuals recognized Rand's work and begun spreading it themselves?
01:14:11 to 01:17:14
3.1 minutes
Q: Why are Jews always the convenient other?
01:17:15 to 01:19:47
2.5 minutes
Q: would we get better politicians with alternative voting methods?
01:19:48 to 01:21:20
1.5 minutes
Q: Should there be term limits for congress?
01:21:21 to 01:23:48
2.5 minutes
Q: Should marriage be privatized?
01:23:49 to 01:24:11
22 seconds
Q: What extent did geography and demographics impact America's growth as compared to China?
01:24:12 to 01:27:29
3.3 minutes
Q: Are evolutionary psychologists on the Center-Right more dangerous than post-modernists on the Left? Why?
01:27:30 to 01:29:40
2.2 minutes
Q: Did Milkan commit fraud with Bosky?
01:29:41 to 01:31:51
2.2 minutes
Q: Aren't Jimmy Dole's views on Amazon majority and mainstream?
01:31:52 to 01:32:55
1.1 minutes
Q: How does one distinguish between food that is unhealthy and those foods that kill you slowly and poison?
01:32:56 to N/A
4.5 minutes