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Yaron Brook Show: The Irishman, Chanukah, kyle kulinski on Healthcare

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Service: YouTube
Publshed on: Dec 17, 2019
Duration: 01:47:20

Not included in any channel

thoughts on movie: The Irishman
03:57 to 18:03
14.1 minutes
history and significance of Jewish holiday of Chanukah
18:04 to 35:13
17.2 minutes
Q: Thoughts on Michael Mann's movie the Inside man?
35:14 to 39:59
4.8 minutes
background and introduction to Kyle Kulinski
40:00 to 42:43
2.7 minutes
media & healthcare in America; health insurance and markets; lies and appeal to emotions
health careemotionalismgovernmentfinance
42:44 to 01:13:44
31.0 minutes
Trump and the Economy and the Stock market
01:13:45 to 01:16:10
2.4 minutes
Q: Is there a word/concept that is not collectivistic or nationalistic to describe one's love of America?
01:16:11 to 01:17:51
1.7 minutes
Q: How can artists spread Objectivism and its values through their art?
01:17:52 to 01:22:44
4.9 minutes
Q: Thoughts on the future of Brazil given its new President?
01:22:45 to 01:24:04
1.3 minutes
Q: Is there a difference between Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism?
01:24:05 to 01:27:08
3.1 minutes
Q: Why does consciousness have to be attached to a physical & biological body?
01:27:09 to 01:31:47
4.6 minutes
Q: Why are suicide rates in the West increasing?
01:31:48 to 01:35:20
3.5 minutes
Q: Is 10 years from now too early for Objectivists to enter and succeed in politics?
01:35:21 to 01:36:13
52 seconds
Q: Would soup kitchens exist under capitalism and would they have criteria for aid?
01:36:14 to 01:37:36
1.4 minutes
Q: Is looking for revenge or wishing for evil to suffer secondhanded?
01:37:37 to 01:38:39
1.0 minutes
Q: What motivates Anti-Semitism?
01:38:40 to 01:40:07
1.5 minutes
Q: How does one properly analyze and discuss the Leftist intellectual establishment?
01:40:08 to 01:43:07
3.0 minutes
Q: Given the direction of American politics, which is the lesser of two evils: Pure Socialism or right Nationalism?
01:43:08 to N/A
4.2 minutes