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Puerto Rico and Hurricanes
01:40 to 03:59
Crack vs. Opioid epidemics and Racism
04:00 to 08:22
Moral Responsibility and Opioid crisis; legalizing drugs both practically and morally
08:23 to 18:20
Jeff Sessions’ War on Marijuana; Federalism & 10th Amendment
18:21 to 27:29
Ben Shapiro and Objectivism
27:30 to 28:36
Q: What about increasing Taxes in Puerto Rico for Hurricane Recovery?
28:37 to 31:13
“Fire and Fury” and Trump vs. Bannon
31:14 to 34:00
Free Speech, Defamation/Libel, and “Fire and Fury” and Birtherism
34:01 to 40:40
Governor Yaron Brook of Puerto Rico
40:41 to 41:27
Q: Does the GOP tax reform actually destroy ObamaCare?
41:28 to N/A