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Radical Capitalist Episode #130: Jerusalem and the Palestinians; US economy...

Yaron Brook talks about Donald Trump's announcement to Jerusalem, the United Nations and the History of the Palestinians in hour 1.  Hour 2 he covers his website, Middle East news continued and the Israeli Palestinian conflict. 

Service: Spreaker
Publshed on: Dec 09, 2017
Duration: 01:31:51
The Yaron Brook Show

America in Jerusalem
00:25 to 05:59
5.6 minutes
Israel’s founding
06:00 to 09:56
3.9 minutes
commercial break
09:57 to 10:32
35 seconds
Israel and Palestine, a history of violence
10:33 to 23:44
13.2 minutes
Commercial Break
23:45 to 24:20
35 seconds
Q: Is the United Nations necessary?
24:21 to 36:37
12.3 minutes
commercial Break
36:38 to 37:13
35 seconds
Q: How did Palestine form?
37:14 to 41:39
4.4 minutes
Q: why do people deny the Jewish state, since they’ve been there too?
41:40 to 45:47
4.1 minutes
Commercial break
45:48 to 46:14
26 seconds
Israel, the 6 day war, Jerusalem, and a war for Survival
46:15 to 57:28
11.2 minutes
commercial break
57:29 to 58:09
40 seconds
resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; proper vs. improper foreign policy
58:10 to 01:09:46
11.6 minutes
Commercial Break
01:09:47 to 01:10:11
24 seconds
Causes of the growing US economy
01:10:12 to 01:21:50
11.6 minutes
commercial Break
01:21:51 to 01:22:25
34 seconds
Risks with growing US economy
01:22:26 to 01:25:32
3.1 minutes
Q: Why is Trump’s declaration about Jerusalem meaningless and isn’t America supposed to militarily protect Jerusalem?
01:25:33 to N/A
6.3 minutes