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History Lesson: The Rise of Totalitarian Islam, Part 2 of 4

Today, America faces an enemy that most of our political leaders fear to name. This enemy brought down the World Trade Center towers on Sept. 11; it bombed Madrid and London; it has motivated much of the Iraqi insurgency. Our enemy is more than murderous, suicidal terrorists. It's Islamic totalitarianism, a lethal ideology calling for holy war against infidels.

In this course, Dr. Brook analyzes the origins and historical development of Islamic totalitarianism. He examines its foundation in Koranic teachings; its roots in the Muslim Brotherhood movement in Egypt dating back to 1928; its expansion throughout the Middle East with the aid of Saudi oil money; its political triumph in the Iranian Revolution; and its ultimate spread throughout the entire world, from Europe to the Far East. The course includes an extended discussion by Dr. Brook of the tenets of Islamic totalitarianism, the crucial factors that have made it possible (most notably, the intellectual weakness of the West) and the proper methods for defeating it.

This course was recorded at the 2006 Objectivist Summer Conference in Boston, MA.

Service: Spreaker
Publshed on: Jul 01, 2006
Duration: 01:30:44
Yaron Brook Lectures
Objectivist Conference Presentations

Muslim Brotherhood’s views of Islamic history, proper society, and ideal government
01:48 to 26:59
25.2 minutes
Q: Is Mohammed the perfect man according to Islam?
27:00 to 29:59
3.0 minutes
Q: Is there a parallel between Muslim Brotherhood and Martin Luther?
30:00 to 32:29
2.5 minutes
Q: Is the hatred of the Jews by Muslims due to Israel or something more?
32:30 to 35:47
3.3 minutes
Q: Don’t suicide bombers actually have something to gain via suicide?
35:48 to 37:29
1.7 minutes
Egypt under Nasser
37:30 to 42:21
4.9 minutes
Rise of Nationalism and Socialism across Middle East
42:22 to 45:19
3.0 minutes
Muslim Brotherhood in prison and Saudi Arabia’s influence
45:20 to 49:59
4.7 minutes
Said Kumud's new Muslim Brotherhood; ideal Muslim society
50:00 to 01:10:54
20.9 minutes
Muslim Brotherhood’s exodus from Egypt in 1960’s to Saudi Arabia; end of Nationalism
01:10:55 to 01:17:44
6.8 minutes
Q: Didn’t America help Israel in 1967/why only 6 days to victory?
01:17:45 to 01:21:19
3.6 minutes
Q: What was the rationale for losing the 6 day war in the Arab nations?
01:21:20 to 01:22:43
1.4 minutes
Egypt under Sadat
01:22:44 to 01:28:04
5.3 minutes
Q: What is a Fatwa?
01:28:05 to N/A
2.7 minutes